Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I need a hobby

I suppose it's because of the cold weather, which has been keeping me inside and giving me cabin fever, but after another weekend of sitting around watching way too much t.v. with the husband, I have come to the conclusion that I need a hobby! I have often told my husband (who is always complaining that he's bored after five minutes of doing nothing) that I rarely get bored, that I can entertain myself quite easily. As a kid I often could find I could play for hours just by using my imagination (where did that skill go?) or by reading or even just daydreaming. As an adult I typically can find things to do to entertain myself, like checking email, facebook, myspace, googling random things, basically wasting time on the computer...and then there's reading, and then back to watching t.v. or movies. Well, after this weekend of doing alot of all those things and feeling very wasteful of my time and very, well, bored, I realized I need to find something to really focus on during my free time, something to do to enjoy and really use my free time in a way I can look back and feel productive. I remember as I was finishing grad school thinking of how when I graduated I would finally have more free time to maybe get a hobby, but somehow I ended up with a boyfriend and for awhile that took up all my free time (hey, I wasn't complaining! It was summer and we were having fun!) Before I know it we're planning a wedding, which definitely takes up all your free time, then we're moving, building a house, and more free time is spent on all kinds of planning, decision making...so now we've been in this house for a year+ and finally things have settled down and I have some of that coveted "free time" and am like "what to do now?" So...there are alot of things I like that I would like to do more, like possibly learning to bake fancy things, to take better pictures, to take up the flute or piano again (ok, those would involve purchasing instruments, not sure about that), and then there are things I have never done at all (sewing or knitting)...I think I will be trying to explore some possibilties, and I will keep you posted on the progress.


  1. I think a hobby sounds like a great idea!

    Is drinking wine a hobby? Because if so, then I'm all set. ;)

  2. Maybe if a good flute teacher would move into the area, you could trade lessons--flute for fancy baking, maybe. :)

  3. Oh what I'd give for some free time! I love to sew...those embroidery machines are really cool...but wine tasting above sounds pretty cool too!

  4. Wine tasting does sound like a great hobby! I have never been to an actual wine tasting party or wine bar, but that sounds like fun! And Clara, flute lessons would be great, it would be even better if you moved closer! I can't promise I can teach you to bake fancy things at this point though... :)

    Another thought I realistically see me doing is in the spring starting a garden in our backyard...I have managed to keep two house plants alive for the past year (or less) so I think gardening may be something to try.

  5. Gardening and wine. In my opinion you can't get much better than that. Unless you add food of course. :)

  6. of course I can't do gardening for another few months...so, back to inside hobbies!
